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PCOS Treatment at 9M Hospitals
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects the ovaries. This, in turn, leads to significant changes in the levels of female hormones. There is an increase in the male hormone level of androgen produced by ovaries leading to hormonal imbalance. In turn, this leads to symptoms like acne, irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, male-pattern hair growth like moustache, etc. and infertility.
PCOS is a common cause of infertility in women. In fact, it increases the risk of other health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.
It can be diagnosed by a PCOS doctor by talking about your symptoms and collecting a detailed personal, family, and medical history. Furthermore, tests like a physical exam, hormonal blood tests, pelvic exam, and pelvic ultrasound will be done for confirmation of the diagnosis.
At 9M, we strive to provide the best treatment possible. You can discuss with your gynaecologist about the various treatment options and which is the most suitable for your journey in PCOS. Some of the treatments that are available are discussed below.
If you don’t plan to become pregnant, treatment options include:
- Hormonal birth control: Hormonal birth control helps to regulate your menstrual cycle, help with increased hair growth, and improves acne. Some options for hormonal birth control are patches, a vaginal ring, patches, birth control pills, or an intrauterine device (IUD).
- Insulin-sensitizing medicine: In some women PCOS is associated with higher insulin production leading to diabetes. Metformin is a drug used to treat diabetes. It works by helping your body process insulin. Some women see improvements in their menstrual cycles when insulin levels are managed.
- Medications to block androgens: The effect of androgens can be blocked using medications. This helps control hair growth and acne that is caused by PCOS. Talk to our expert gynaecologist about whether they’re right for you.
- Lifestyle changes: Improvement in lifestyle will cause an overall improvement in your well-being. Furthermore, insulin levels can be managed better by losing weight and eating a healthy diet.

If you plan to become pregnant now or in the future, your treatment options are:
- Drugs to induce ovulation (releasing an egg): Some drugs aid inducing ovulation in women with PCOS. This is necessary because any successful pregnancy starts with ovulation. The medication letrozole and clomiphene are taken orally, while gonadotropins are administered by injection.
- Surgery: Ovarian drilling is a surgical procedure that can trigger ovulation by removing tissues in the ovaries which are releasing androgen hormones. Surgeons now rarely recommend this procedure because of better available oral medicines.
- In vitro fertilization (IVF): Your egg is fertilized with your partner’s sperm in a pteri dish in a lab. This is then transferred to your uterus. Women for whom ovulation medications don’t work can opt for IVF.
FAQs About Painless Delivery
No, there is no harm caused to the newborn baby with painless delivery. Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to support such claims. Painless delivery is as safe as any other option.
No, there is no scientific evidence that supports this claim. However, back pain is typical in mothers after delivering the baby, especially if they didn’t exercise or take calcium supplements through the course of their pregnancy.
This is possible in rare cases. However, they don’t raise your chances of getting a C-section. However, it may increase the chances of using a vacuum or forceps to pull the baby out.
The epidural may cause freezing and numbness in the legs. However, you can still comfortably push out the baby.
This depends on your pregnancy. While most women can have a painless delivery, this decision should only be made after proper consultation with your gynaecologist.
We at Ankura Hospital created 9M care as a clinical excellence initiative. The goal of this initiative is to take into perspective the delivery the would-be mothers experience. Moreover, we aim to create a birthing experience that best mimics a homely feeling rather than that of a hospital. We hope to be your partner from the first trimester up till delivery. Our aim is to make your journey pleasant and risk-free. At Ankura Hospital, you can opt for a painless delivery, water birth, natural birth, or vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) with our expert gynaecologist to assist you every step of the journey.